    • 성시경 Sung Sikyung
    • ソン・シギョン
    • 成诗京
    • 출생(Birthday) : 1979년 04월 17일 ( April / 17 / 1979 )
    • 나이(Age) : 46 세 (만45세)
    • 성별(Sex) : 남성 (male)
    • 별자리(Star sign) : 양자리(Aries)
    • (Chinese zodiac sign) : 양띠(sheep)
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    • 수정 : 2014년 07월 21일 11:16 (July 21, 2014)

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      확인된 정보에 '정보확인 날짜'를 표시하고 있으니, 참고하셔서
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      수정 및 삭제는 페이지 하단 '문의하기'를 이용해 주세요...

    • 직업(Job) : 가수(singer)
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      10일 동안 포털사이트(Naver) 검색량
      Update : 2024년 10월 21일

    • 신체(Body size) : 186cm, 78kg
    • 혈액형(Blood type) : A형 (Type A)
    • 별명(Nickname) : 푸우, 엽기토끼
    • 취미(Hobbies) : 농구, 피아노, 음악감상
    • 특기(Talent) : 약간의 영어회화
    • 소속(Company) : 젤리피쉬엔터테인먼트
    • 종교(Religion) : 불교(Buddhist)
    • 좌우명(Motto) : 착하게 살자
    • 데뷔(Debut) : 2000년 사이버 가요제 뜨악 페스티벌 대상
    • 이상형(Ideal type) : 말이 통하는 여자
    • 좋아하는 음식(Favorite foods) : 회, 삼겹살
    • 사이트(Site) :
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      • 학력
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      • biography

      초등학교 : 반포초등학교

      중학교 : 반포중학교

      고등학교 : 세화고등학교

      대학교 : 고려대학교 사회학과

      대학원 : 고려대학교 언론대학원 방송학

      2011년 고려대의료원 홍보대사

      2012년 MBC 방송연예대상 라디오 최우수상
      2009년 육군참모총장 표창
      2007년 MBC 연기대상 라디오부문 우수상
      2006년 SBS 가요대전 본상
      2006년 제7최 대한민국 영상대전 포토제닉상
      2005년 KBS 가요 대상 올해의 가수상
      2003년 MBC 10대 가수상
      2003년 코리안 뮤직 어워드 발라드부문 인기상
      2002년 MBC 10대가수 가요제 10대가수상
      2002년 SBS 가요대전 본상
      2002년 제17회 골든디스크상 본상
      2002년 모델라인 베스트드레서 가수 부문 백조상
      2001년 SBS 가요대전 신인상
      2001년 MBC 10대 가수가요제 신인상
      2001년 제16회 골든디스크상 신인상
      2000년 드림뮤직 사이버 가요제 입상

      Male vocalist Sung Si-kyung is well-known for his warm and soft voice tone that matches perfectly with sweet love songs. Utilizing his soft and gentle image, Sung has been involved all over the showbiz industry, including some acting as well.

      As an undergraduate student at the Department of Humanities of Korea University, Sung participated in a cyber song festival and won the grand prize. The winners of the song festival released a compilation album and “The Road that Leads to Me,” the song by Sung Si-kyung, became a hit. That was how Sung made his debut in the pop music world. Thanks to popularity of Sung’s song, the compilation album featuring the prize winners of the song festival, even though it was a promotional album, sold nearly 100 thousand copies. This really launched Sung Si-kyung to the top of stardom.

      Many would say at the drop of a hat that Sung’s charm lies in his soft and laid-back image. Being tall with a favorable first impression, and being blessed with a soft and relaxing voice, Sung Si-kyung appeals to everyone. His fans range from the young and the old, men and women alike.

      Officially though, Sung Si-kyung’s debut was in 2001 when he released his first album, “Like the First Time.” Mainly consisting of ballads, Sung’s debut album recorded 3 hits and made him the best rookie singer of the year. Participating as a guest singer on Yoo Hee-yeol of Toy’s album also contributed to his rising popularity. Sung’s second album released in 2002 was also a success, selling more than 650 thousand copies. He contintued to churn out album after album, averaging about one a year.

      Like mentioned earlier, Sung did not stop at just being a singer. He appeared in television dramas and sitcoms gaining a favorable response from the public. Sung Si-kyung joined in the Hallyu Wave (international k-pop fever) by participating in various performances and appearances in other countries (i.e. Japan). He even had his own radio show for about two years called “A Blue Night And Sung Shi-kyung”.

      However, the inevitable finally came for Sung, as it does for all Korean males: the mandatory military service. Sung started his compulsory service in 2008, being released in 2010. He made his long awaited comeback to his fans’ delight. One common thing that was mentioned over and over again was that Sung seemed…different. They say that the military changes a man, but it was more than that. Sung expressed that he had missed performing, music, and his fans so much that he re-entered the industry with even more gusto than before. He even held his first comeback concert in October of 2010, attracting about 6,000 people.

      It’s been over ten years, but Sung is one of those singers where another ten years of steam seem like no problem. His soft music is the kind that touches the soul. He’s not called the King of Ballads for nothing!



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