    • 김제동 Kim Jedong
    • キム・ジェドン
    • 金济东
    • 출생(Birthday) : 1974년 02월 03일 ( February / 03 / 1974 )
    • 고향(HomeTown) : 경상북도 영천(Gyeongsangbukdo 영천)
    • 나이(Age) : 51 세 (만50세)
    • 성별(Sex) : 남성 (male)
    • 별자리(Star sign) : 물병자리(Aquarius)
    • (Chinese zodiac sign) : 호랑이띠(Tiger)
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    • 수정 : 2014년 02월 03일 12:15 (February 03, 2014)

      SH K-STAR 에서는 보다 신속하고 정확한 인물정보를 제공하기 위해
      확인된 정보에 '정보확인 날짜'를 표시하고 있으니, 참고하셔서
      많은 이용 부탁 드립니다.
      수정 및 삭제는 페이지 하단 '문의하기'를 이용해 주세요...

    • 직업(Job) : MC, 개그맨(MC, comedian)
    • 조회수(count) :

      회원 로그인 후 접속하신 조회수 입니다.
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      10일 동안 포털사이트(Naver) 검색량
      Update : 2024년 10월 19일

    • 신체(Body size) : 169cm, 65kg
    • 혈액형(Blood type) : O형 (Type O)
    • 취미(Hobbies) : 신문 스크랩, 독서, 등산
    • 소속(Company) : 디컴퍼니
    • 데뷔(Debut) : 1994년 문선대 사회자
    • 사이트(Site) :
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      김제동은 대한민국의 개그맨이다. 1남 5녀 중 여섯째 막내로 태어났다. 1994년 문선대 사회자로 데뷔했고 1999년 이월드 영타운 진행자, 야구장과 농구장 장내 아나운서, 각 대학의 오리엔테이션 강사, 축제 진행자를 거쳐 가수 윤도현과의 인연으로 2002년 KBS 윤도현의 러브레터를 통해 연예계에 데뷔했다. 2006년 KBS 연예대상에서 대상을 받았다. 2009년 서울광장에서 노무현 대통령 국민장 노제를 진행했다

      고등학교 : 달성고등학교

      대학교 : 성공회대학교 신문방송학과

      2009년 안산돔구장건립추진위원회 홍보대사
      2009년 한국실명예방재단 홍보대사
      2009년 한국혈액암협회 홍보대사
      2009년 서울특별시 동행프로젝트 전담 홍보대사
      2007년 계명문화대학 특임교수
      2007년 선플달기운동본부 공동대표

      2010년 제22회 한국PD대상 TV진행자 부문
      2009년 제5회 세상을 밝게 만든 사람들 올해의 인물 부문
      2007년 MBC 방송연예대상 쇼버라이어티부문 최우수상
      2007년 제44회 저축의 날 대통령표창
      2006년 KBS 연예대상 대상
      2005년 MBC 방송연예대상 남자최우수상
      2005년 제4회 KBS 연예대상 쇼오락 부문 우수상
      2005년 제4회 KBS 연예대상 우수코너상
      2005년 푸른미디어 언어상
      2003년 SBS 연기대상 TV MC부문 특별상
      2003년 MBC 방송연예대상 신인상

      Kim Je-dong (born February 3, 1974) is a South Korean comedian, variety and talk show host on television.
      Kim is also famous for being one of the few "socialtainers" in Korea (a portmanteau of social and entertainer), and has received overwhelming public support for his social awareness. Kim has urged people to vote,invested in the crowdfunded political film 26 Years, joined demonstrations for university tuition fee cuts and a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, participated in flood damage restoration efforts, and has spoken out about cyberbullying, the reinstatement of laid-off shipbuilders at Hanjin Heavy Industries, the Yongsan disaster and the Ssangyong Motors labor strike. He is also known for being a vegetarian, and an eco-conscious advocate of hiking and biking. In 2011, he was included in a list compiled by Yonhap News of celebrities who "habitually" make donations to charity, and he ranked second (71.8%) in a survey of most trustworthy tweeters on political issues.
      Despite Kim's reputation as an outspoken liberal, he was invited as one of the hosts of the presidential inauguration ceremony of conservative Lee Myung-bak in 2008. But in 2009, after he hosted the funeral memorial for the late president Roh Moo-hyun,Kim was fired from his highly rated quiz show Star Golden Bell on the state-run broadcasting network KBS. KBS claimed the dismissal was merely part of a program restructuring, but mounting speculation from netizens was that it had been politically motivated, and that Kim and his fellow liberal entertainers were being blacklisted by the Lee Myung-bak government. A year later, Kim had already recorded the first episode of his eponymously named Kim Je-dong Show on cable channel Mnet, but upon learning that Kim would host the upcoming one-year anniversary memorial service for Roh Moo-hyun, the cable company asked the comedian's agency to rethink Kim's participation in the memorial. When the agency refused, Mnet delayed the airing of the talk show's premiere in June 2010, citing rescheduling as the reason. Kim then decided to quit the program on principle. It was revealed in 2012 that Kim was among the TV personalities under illegal surveillance by the National Intelligence Service, causing him fear and anxiety. Despite the dwindling job offers resulting from his political stance, in a lecture in 2011, Kim told KAIST students to maintain humor and happiness amid "merciless reality." Kim said, "We're living in an unfortunate time for citizens right now, but it's a wonderful time to be a comedian. The material is inexhaustible. A reporter asked me why I keep engaging in political activity, and I said that while I haven't done that, comedy will quit politics once politics quits with comedy."
      After he lost his jobs at KBS, Kim launched a stand-up show in 2009 at a small Daehak-ro theater.Called "talk concerts," Kim has since held these sold-out shows all over Korea and even in the United States, and in them he shares his views on the absurdities of society and politics, mixing funny anecdotes and insightful observations with biting social criticism.
      In February 2010, he began to write for the Kyunghyang Shinmun, a newspaper in Seoul. He conducts witty interviews with experts in diverse fields such as politics, economics, society, and culture. 25 of these interviews were compiled into the 2011 book Kim Je-dong Is Coming to Meet You, and he donated proceeds from the book sales to underprivileged children with no access to cultural activities. He published another book, Kim Je-dong's Arms Around, in 2012.
      One of the most popular segments of Kim's act is called "Quotations from Kim Je-dong," in which he makes ad-libbed witty remarks while performing live in response to questions he gets on the spot from the audience. To prepare, Kim said he reads newspapers of all kinds for 70 minutes every day and pastes clippings of editorials into a scrapbook, and writes down his own opinions on them. When asked the secret behind his popularity, he said that "viewers feel a sense of commonality and comfort from me."
      He currently hosts the talk show Healing Camp, Aren't You Happy on SBS



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